Bulk Pork Rashers – Honey and Pine

R119.99/kg | Sold in Kg's

Delight your taste buds with our Bulk Pork Belly Rashers Honey & Pine. Sourced with care and offering a premium quality twist, these rashers from Fleisherei provide a unique and flavorful option.

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Experience a delightful blend of sweet and savory with our Bulk Pork Belly Rashers Honey & Pine, carefully sourced to deliver a premium quality twist to your pork belly creations. At Fleisherei, we take pride in providing rashers that offer a unique and flavorful experience. Each rasher is meticulously selected for its quality, ensuring a convenient and delicious pork belly experience with a sweet and savory twist. Whether you’re frying them for breakfast, using them in recipes, or crafting a special dish, these Bulk Pork Belly Rashers (Honey & Pine) provide a versatile and tasty option. Buy now from Fleisherei and enjoy the unique and flavorful culinary experience.